Hello, I'm Yudhy Prayitno

A skilled professional specializing in computer science with a focus on machine learning and blockchain technology. I'm passionate about staying at the forefront of industry developments through continuous learning and collaboration with experts, teams, and communities.
📈 Unprofessional Investor
🌱 Part-time blogger
📚 Book reader | 🤵♂️ Entrepreneur | 🏓 Table Tennis

About me
Learn, Share and Grow 💜
I enjoy providing software solutions and bring ideas to life and solve real-world problems.
I use the following technologies:
- Python
- Tensorflow
- Pytorch
- Streamlit
- Flet
- Tableau
- R
- C++
- Solidity
- Motoko
- Swift
More about my Projects and my Experiences.
Currently internship as data analyst at Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
My time
Kendari, Indonesia
EdTech App with Real-Time Sentiment Analysis and AI Feedback Analyzer
EdTech — A P2P platform connecting students and educators across Indonesia, featuring sentiment feedback analysis and an AI Analyzer to enhance insights and improve teaching recommendations.
22 Dec 2024
Biometrics Fingerprint Recognition
Biometrics Recognition Reconstructing Fingerprint Images Using Deep Learning (Convolutional Autoencoder).
14 Oct 2024
The Breast Cancer Diagnosis Predictor App
AI-powered app using logistic regression to predict breast cancer diagnosis from tumor measurements with high accuracy 97.3%.
12 Sept 2024
“No man becomes rich unless he enriches others.”
- Andrew Carnegie
Blog Posts
Introduction to Decentralised Science (DeSci)
DeSci atau decentralised science adalah platform terdesentralisasi untuk mendanai, membuat, mengkaji, menyimpan, dan menyebarkan pengetahuan ilmiah secara adil menggunakan teknologi blockchain.
21 Nov 2024
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Istilah ‘Artificial Intelligence’ diciptakan pada tahun 1950-an ketika para ilmuwan mulai mengeksplorasi kemampuan komputer untuk memecahkan masalah sendiri. Konsep AI mungkin telah berubah seiring waktu. Namun pada intinya, AI selalu tentang cara membangun mesin yang mampu berpikir seperti manusia dan memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan fungsi kognitif seperti observing, learning, reasoning, dan solving problems.
01 Nov 2024
Books I read
I like to read books as well, non-fiction. Here are some of the books I have read.
- The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
- The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel
- Atomic Habits - James Clear
- Mindset - Carol S.Dweck, Ph.D