The 48 Laws of Power

Book Author: Robert Greene
Read Year: 2024

For your information, this book was banned in American prisons, so the prisoners could not request this book to be read. One of the most controversial books of our time, some people say it’s their favorite, but some also say it should be banned in all countries. It’s evil at first glance, like the first law in the book seems to tell us not to outshine others. The second law advises not to trust friends but to learn how to use your enemies. Then, the twelfth law says to use selective honesty to disarm your opponents. But in my opinion, this is a book that everyone should read, especially those who think it’s evil. Not everything in the book is bad, like Law 9, which says to win through actions, not arguments, or Law 5, which tells us to guard our reputation with our life. So this book is like a double-edged sword. We can learn how to use it for good, and by knowing this knowledge, we can avoid people who might try to use it against us. It all depends on the wielder. If you don’t want a life full of pain and misery, you should read this book.