This book is my favorite about finance. In it, I learned how to develop a good psychological relationship with money, how I relate to money, and how to make the best financial decisions. The book actually teaches a lot about psychology, luck, and risk. There’s so much to learn, especially if we want to be successful like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates, we have to deeply study their lives and understand what they did to become successful. However, this book also emphasizes that everyone has their own variables, including their own luck. For example, Bill Gates was lucky, if he hadn’t gone to Lakeside School and gained access to a computer, he might not have become the Bill Gates we know today. The book also explains the power of compounding. Warren Buffett started investing when he was 11 years old, and now his wealth is about $147 billion. But interestingly, most of his wealth accumulated after he turned 50. This shows the strength of compounding—it’s not about chasing the highest returns, but finding returns that are good enough and sustainable over the long term. Sometimes, what matters more is your savings rate—how much you save can be more important than your investment returns. Your wealth is relative to your needs. Savings = Income - Ego, so we need to manage our egos to build wealth.
The Psychology of Money
Book Author: Morgan Housel
Read Year: 2023